Saturday, October 16, 2010

Day 16: Second Time Around

St. Nicholas Park, Harlem, New York, 6:30am-7:45am
windy, scattered clouds low in sky

I needn't have worried about overindulging in sunrises.
They are clearly different from chocolate-covered pretzel slims.

I'm sure if you are observant enough, you can find a world of detail that makes each pretzel unique- but there are exponentially more variables with sunrises. Each dawn is such a unique experience there is no risk of overdosing.

I realize this as I revisit the terrace of City College overlooking St. Nicholas Park. It is lovely to be in the same spot and have a completely different experience. Yesterday was all gorgeous cloud layers and little peeks of glowing sun; today was clear with a few scattered clouds, and one of the most glorious sunrises I've ever seen.

A bank of low dark clouds hid the horizon while tufts of higher clouds began to brighten with streaks of pink, rose, and burning-light.

Liquid gold ignited both layers of clouds as the sun emerged. I've never seen something so brilliant, molten, and glorious as this cloud-framed sunrise. Felt like I saw the true color of gold for the first time in my life : unbearably yet irresistibly bright.

Got to reconnect with the whistling bird(s) of yesterday. It's a funny, whistle-y, watery, tremulous sound. I'm tempted to call them warblers cuz they sound warble-y to me, but maybe that's overly onomatopeic.

They seem to favor the low-lying bushes, and are very well-camouflaged. I can't for the life of me spot one! Sorry for the wind noise:

Thanks to Mequitta, my dear friend and amazing artist, for letting me know about this amazing spot.

Speaking of amazingly beautiful experiences, anyone who's in NY should check out Mequitta's exhibition at the Studio Museum of Harlem (up till Oct 24) and my other wonderful friend Ari Tabei's solo show at the New York Studio Gallery in the lower East Side (till Nov 6). Beautiful people, inspired art. I recommend coupling Ari's show with a trip to the Donut Plant. Yum!

*UPDATE 10/23: Today's birds may be young white-throated sparrows, according to Haynes. Thanks, Haynes!*


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