Spring 17: Retraction
6:15am-7:00am, Peters Hill, Arnold Arboretum, Jamaica Plain, MA
mostly clear, cool, breezy
I don't always regret packing lightly, but I wished I had my camera this morning.
Two images I would have shared with you:
The willowy pods of an unknown tree, its furry edges back-lit from the rising sun.
Early morning light streaming upon the marshy pond and its twisty trees.
For your listening pleasure:
I liked the dawn interplay of the woodpecker (Bird of the Day) and the Northern Flicker:
Apology of the Day goes to the robins of Jamaica Plain. Can I take back my negative comment from a couple days ago? I don't think the robin songs are regressing, just variable for different locations and birds. Furthermore, as with any learning curve, I'm sure there are ups and downs.
Here is a nod to one of this morning's robins:
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