Saturday, November 27, 2010

Day 57: Sabbath

My 3rd-floor deck, Jamaica Plain, MA, 1:15pm-1:45pm
cool, breezy, dreary

My friend Heidi believes in keeping Sabbath - one day off of working per week - regardless on one's religious beliefs.

I like this idea, though I can rarely follow through due to the haphazard nature of a free-lance schedule.

Today's version of Sabbath is the laziest recording I could do, just two steps outside my bedroom. These crazy starlings recently have been gathering in giant, Hitchcock-worthy throngs around the trees by my deck for 20-30 minutes at at time. We're talking over a hundred perched on five or so trees, and they make a racket!

Here they are, in their full glory:

I was mystified by the way they would suddenly decide to take off, thirty birds at once. You can hear the return to the urban hum in this clip:


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